Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Simplicity of it all...

This is the first thing I found when I typed Jody Donnelly's name into google. It's a picture from some bitches website who complains about her period and why no boy will ever be in love with her. Sounds high maintenance to me. Now I can't imply that just because your name is Jody Donnelly means you suck, except thats exactly what i mean. If your name is Jody Donnelly, you have been given the devils shit life. Take It!

So back to my discussion, I typed in Jody's name and then BMX, go ahead, try it yourself, all I found were comments about people using his name to describe shitty style or ugly bikes. 5 examples:

1. Posted by: Kinetic BMX
"It's like Jody Donnelly's seatpost was reincarnated as a bike.

2. Posted by: MetalKizz
"Jody Donnelly, Kennan Harkin, and Ryan Mills. Just the scum bags.

3. Posted by: Ananymous
"You are the absolute epitome of non-BMX fashion (Jody Donnelly Seat post, 6 pegs, 4 brakes)

4. Posted by: Twincitiesbmx
One time I made this kid lower his seat or I wouldn't film anything of him. hahaha shit was Jody Donnelly high though.

5. Posted by: Fat BMX
Tons of stands had an extra BMX bike stalled in a corner somewhere, bars in chicago style, seapost at a height that Jody Donnelly would be proud of, 44-16 gearing and huge drop outs.

It's so hard to imagine that someone that has been into BMX for so long doesn't have a single good thing said about him ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET. Grasp that for a second... In anything that has ever been written down and put into the world wide web, not one thing is positive. Not a geo-cities website, a myspace, a facebook, oh wait, I found a profile for InterBMX that says the following about him "FUCK JODY DONNELLY" Couldn't have said it better myself.. except I did.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.jodydonnelly.com/archives/2974

    Please read this from the bitch
